I remember the KM a few years back said to tip 15%-20%. Are you serious they reduced it?! That bites! I suppose the extra is to go into the contribution boxes. I always tip 20% cuz of the math: just double it and move the decimal point. I hate math. I find that when I go back to those places, they really treat me well, very friendly. I like it, even if some of it might be fake. I am friendly to everyone just because it feels good to be, no faking. So, maybe some out there are just really nice people who deserve $ for a loaf of bread for their families. Hmmm...they aren't paid much, you know. The boss will reduce their pay just for the tips to take their pay up to minimum so boss "pays" legally. They need our tips.
White Dove
JoinedPosts by White Dove
How much do you tip?
by Nathan Natas ini'm pretty sure minimus hasn't gotten to this one yet.... .
i'm curious about how much you tip for various services.
what is your usual tip percentage for:.
Ridiculous JW superstitions
by B_Deserter ini'm not talking about the stuff you hear at the kingdom hall, i'm talking about the "experiences" you were told of by people you knew.
the big one for me was demons.
so many people i know had experiences with them.
White Dove
Some JW bought a table from a garage sale and immediately started having problems: $, health, job problems. Later, they realized it may have come from demons, so they went back to the garage sale place and asked about the table they bought there. They were told that seances were conducted right on that table. Well, they got rid of the table right away and whaddayano, NO MORE PROBLEMS! Hahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!
Because the problems were such normal ones and usually started by one's self, I thought they were the result of poor planning and flu season. I was a JW when I kinda doubted the story.
Elders ARE idiots!!
by Gill inthis has always been my opinion, even as a 'loyal' jw!
i thought that elders were idiots.
i have only ever known one who has ever had any real education, a solicitor and he was an arrogant twonk, the rest were a pathetic bunch of bullies who 'appeared' to be loving and kind but were infact out to find out the shit about everyone and cause as much trouble for everyone as possible.
White Dove
I couldn't agree more, but the ones that used to be jerky elders have more or less repented of their "sins" and became one of us here:)
Did Anybody Here Ever Want To Go To Heaven?
by minimus in.....either while you were a witness or when you were not??
White Dove
Oh yeah! I hated my life down here on earth. When I was a teen, I actually thought it was possible that I was annointed. I wanted to be able to fly around space and see everything personally: stars and planets. Now that I doubt heaven and hell for that matter, I want to become a ghost and scare the people I don't likeand go places that I can't go to now. Can ghosts have sex? I would find a way
White Dove
I think I said that wrong. I remember she said something about there being so many JW's coming into the Wiccan/pagan faith/path in our area, at least. Really, I feel personally that the JW experience ruined religion for me and maybe others. I have a hard time believing in the Bible and it's spirit world.
White Dove
That's what a witch at a pagan shop told me.
Friendly talk with a couple of elders
by TooBad TooSad inlast week i received a home visit from a couple of elders because they were concerned about my spirituality.
and lack of progress.
i said so you can guarantee the end will be here in 5 years.
White Dove
I've noticed that not many of the 2nd generation jw's stay in it very long after coming of age.
What didn't you do because you were a JW that you now regret?
by jwfacts ini just bought a bottle of wine for an exjw's 30th that i am about to run off to.
on it there was a great quote by mark twain:.
"twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do... explore.
White Dove
Frequent fader miles,
I regret the exact same things as you do. I'm still steaming mad about it. Still healing. Takes time.
Philip and the Ethiopian eunuch
by pennycandy inin discussing with witnesses the need to belong to an organization, they will often point to acts 8:26-31, emphasizing the need to be taught by someone what the bible means.. short summary: philip heard a man reading aloud scripture in his chariot, asked him if he understood it, the man said how can i unless someone teaches me, so philip taught him.. sounds like a good point, huh?
not when you give it a little thought.. what was the man reading from?
the book of isaiah, a prophecy about the lamb.
White Dove
YAY!!!!!!!! I recently used this one when a JW sister came to my door to convence me to go to meetings because that is where we are taught by JH. The Ethiopian was not told by Phillip that he must come and follow the apostles. No! He went on his way a saved man! She could not argue that.
more from my story
by fiveangels ini am in desperate need of help bad.i just found out my snake of a jw fiance already has been dating a jw,the bugger lied to me when i asked.
if there was anybody else.now i just want to make him pay for all the hurt he has caused-i know this isn't the right way to think but why should he get away twice with hurting me.i called him to ask about it and he called me a stalker.i am not just wanted the truth,is that too much to ask?.
i am dead inside.
White Dove
You know, the only evidence for one brother that his wife was cheating was to have an elder with him while visiting the guy's house when he knew his wife would be there. Worked like a charm! He and the elder knocked on the door and the guy answered. They saw her in the room with him in a SHEET! Scriptural divorce and DF for her!
Think you could set up something similar? You could be the one caught with him. His girlfriend could catch you two! You aren't a JW. Why not? I don't mean to hurt your rep or anything like that, but what a set up! Seduce and then rat! Hehehe! He would be guilty and caught! BTW: I absolutely DO BELIEVE IN A NICE SWEET HARMLESS REVENGE!! It can be sooo cathartic:)